House of hospitality Villino NoëlHouse of hospitality Villino Noël
The Oblates of the AssumptionThe Oblates of the Assumptionwelcome Youwelcome YouWHO WE AREROOMS
Villino Noël is distinguisable from other lodging places by its partical aim.
Faithful to the charism of our Founder, Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon we welcome visitors in a family spirit.
We aim to offer our guests an experience to engage in spiritual and cultural growth.
The Sisters work with constant devotion in this apostolic mission according particular attention to the needs of Pilgrim Guests.
The Sisters are available to offer catechetical paths to pilgrims who desire or request this. It is therefore possible to deepen the artistic and religious traditions of the Capital City.
We offer accommodation in particular to families, scout groups, parish catechists, associations, students and family members visiting relatives in nearby hospitals.
We also welcome peopl who come to Rome as pilgrims and visitors even for a day.
Youth are given priority throughout the year.
Particular attention is accorded to situations of difficulty or any other moral or material difficulty.
Our house of Hospitality allows us to promote religious tourism and to place ourselves at the service of society according to the directives of the Magisterium of the Churches Social Doctrine.
We offer guests the possibility of participating in our normal daily prayer in the Chapel. Those who wish may have times of personal contemplation with the help and constant discreet presence of the Sisters.
Our structure and aim is non-profitable but a precious way of diffusing the gospel message.
Our objectives place us outside the normal commercial circle.
This objective allows us also to offer a serene and relaxing time so that they can live christian values in a climate of respect, prayer and cordiality.
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